
"Treasure" is a symbol of the spiritual richness of the knowledge of God's Will, of His Commandments, which are the greatest value for human life, which by their knowledge and fulfillment enrich man with wisdom, make him truly free from dependence on sin and its consequences.

"Treasure" true, righteous is a symbol of the all-pervading, all-encompassing Wisdom of the Divine Laws of Life, His Covenants, which reveal to man the riches of spiritual well-being, joy, satisfaction.

Negative Meaning.

     "Treasure" unrighteous, imaginary, false is religious, political and other beliefs, teachings, ideologies, dogmas that do not correspond to the Truth of the Divine Covenants, and therefore are not capable of morally reviving man, raising in him a true worldview and leading him to righteousness.

    It is also a surplus, an accumulation of material values, with which man, who rejects God's Covenants, satisfies his exorbitant sinful carnal needs.



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