
"Fish" is a symbol of expressors of worldly, practical, emotional, psychological experience, which was acquired by man before his spiritual formation according to the spiritual "Likeness" and "Image" given to him by God.

      "Big Fish" are spiritually not grown up to knowledge and embodiment of the Truth of the Will of God, not reached His "Image" and "Likeness", significant authorities in a variety of knowledge of "earthly" nature: in various teachings, ideologies, which will later determine the way of thinking and life of peoples.

Negative Meaning.

      "Fish" is a symbol of a person who represents a certain significance by his characteristic features, the ability to manifest himself in the spiritual and figurative "Water", i.e. in the ideological sphere of his activity.

     "Fish" is also an image, a characteristic of founders, exponents, inspirers of sinful political, philosophical ideologies, religious beliefs, mores, foundations, traditions.