
"Robe" of God is a symbol of the spiritual "Clothing" of God, - the holiness, completeness, gracefulness of the Truth of God's Will, which is the spiritual care of God for man, to whom God reveals it by the gospel of His righteous, so teaching man to fulfill His Commandments.

"The Robe" of Christ is a symbol of His figurative "Clothes" - it is the Teaching of Jesus Christ about God's Will, the fulfillment of which leads man to righteousness and Eternal Life, which has become a subject of division and religious "Trade" by the ministers of various denominations, each of which accepts only some part of His Teaching.  

"The Robe" of man is a symbol of the spiritual and figurative "Clothing", the righteousness of man, testifying to his steadfast fulfillment of the Will of God.

"Robe" is also a symbol of the spiritual-educational service of all righteous people to the surrounding nations.