
"Passover" from the Hebrew - "change of place", "exit", "transition" through something, purposefulness.

"Easter" is a spiritual and figurative "exit" from a false worldview; a purposeful "change," a "transition" into true understanding and fulfillment of God's Will.

"Easter" symbolizes man's "transition" from one state of his worldview and way of life, to another: renewed by turning to the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments.

"Pascha" is also from the verb "pasah", i.e. "to pass by", "to pass by".

"Pascha" is Hebraic for "leaping over," in the sense of passing by, bypassing "doors" "marked with blood."

"Passover" (Greek verb "paschein") - "to bear," "to endure," "to endure," "to suffer," indicating the spiritual feat of Jesus Christ. 

"Passover" - also - the "liberation" of man by the fulfillment of God's Commandments from genetic, as well as from acquired dependence on a sinful way of life, from the power of the sinful demands of the flesh "liberation" of the spirit and flesh of man from the bonds of unrighteousness.

"Passover" also means - "to spare," "to deliver."  Deliverance from death, salvation from death - man becomes a worthy "partaker of the Passover" when he, by observing the Will of God, is thereby delivered from committing the sin that brings death.

"Passover" also means "Feast of Passing," "circumambulation." God in the spiritual and figurative description of the "Ten Plagues of Egypt" did not punish, but "passed through", "bypassed" the houses of the Israelites and only the Egyptians were punished by the death of all their "Firstborn". 
"Passover" is a symbol of the liberation of the people of Israel from Egyptian (economic, political) captivity, the remembrance of the people of their spiritual deliverance from paganism, which by a literal understanding of the figurative sayings of the scriptures was turned into a pagan, ceremonial ritual, into a feast they called the "Passover" of remembrance.