
"advent." - Greek "parousia", "para-usis" - "beginning", "realization", "presence near".

"Coming"   - is a spiritual synonym for "Presence."

"Coming" of God is the "Beginning" of the realization of the need for presence, the realization of the gracious Will of one's Creator - the One God Jehovah, His Commandments, the beginning of true, righteous human life.

The "Coming" of God is the time, the period when the Divine Spiritual Laws of Life expressed in the Ten Commandments will be realized as the greatest Good, appreciated and will inevitably become the unified spiritual and moral Foundation of the life of the peoples.

The "Coming" of God is the realization, the establishment of the Kingdom of the Will of God in the nations, the triumph of a spiritual, righteous way of life, when the liberation of mankind from sinful ways of life is accomplished and the "power and kingdom of God...the authority of His Christ" is established and when "the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever."

The "coming" of of God is the changing of the sinful way of thinking and living of the nations to a righteous way by the coming of the triumph of the Truth of God's Will.  

    The "coming" of God is man's realization and realization of the Commandments of God, the embodiment of the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God.

    The First "Coming" Jesus Christ is the birth among the nation of Israel of the Great Man, Jesus, who perfectly recognized and in holiness fulfilled the Will of God and so became the spiritual "Son" of God, the "Christ," the "Messiah," the "Deliverer" of all nations from committing sins and their consequences. 
     The First "Coming" Jesus Christ is also the acceptance of the Teachings of Jesus Christ by His first Disciples, the Apostles, as well as by all people who for the first time become on the path of the fulfillment of His Teachings. This is the spiritual birth of a new person, the formation, education, a new spiritual community of people, to whom the realization and fulfillment of the Teachings of Jesus Christ "came". This is the "Presence" of the righteous way of life of Jesus Christ in the lives of His followers. 
      The first "Coming" of Jesus Christ is a magnificent spiritual manifestation of the Teachings of Jesus Christ in the "Body" of His true "Church", i.e. in the spiritual Assembly of the Righteous, who in their entirety reveal the Wisdom of the Truth of the One Spiritual Laws of Life.
      The "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ is the realization in all nations of the Kingdom of the Will of God as expressed in the Teachings of Christ. It is the Majestic "procession" into the world of the Will of God, preached by all His "Saints", the acceptance into the hearts and minds of the nations of the Teachings of Jesus Christ.  
     The Second "Coming" of Jesus Christ is the future spiritual rebirth of all peoples as a result of accepting and fulfilling the Will of God, fully revealed in the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

Negative Meaning.
     "The coming of the "Antichrist" is a full and explicit moral and spiritual expression of sinful man's opposition to God and His Commandments, opposing the Truth and people living a righteous life with his own corrupt way of thinking and living. 
     "The coming of the "Antichrist" is blasphemy, a distortion of the Word of God's Will expressed in the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the spreading of lies about Him