
"Hunger" is a symbol of the state of man's awareness of an acute need, a lack of spiritual "Food" - knowledge of the way to a righteous way of life, by satiating himself with which he could satisfy his spiritual needs, solve his life problems.      

"Hunger" is a spiritual, mental state of man, when the former soulless "Food" - various political ideas, religious beliefs, dogmas, materialistic goals have already exhausted themselves, have found their failure; when everything that spiritually satiated man before, has ceased to bring him satisfaction, joy and therefore has lost all value for him.

"Hunger" is the realization of the lack, shortage, absence of true "Food" - true spiritual values, i.e. knowledge of God's Commandments, the Divine Laws of true Life. Such "Hunger" is a consequence of the influence of false religious, political and other ideologies, rejection, violation, perversion of the Will of God, His Commandments.