
Goliath is the aggressive representative and leader of the Gentile nation, representing the ideological, religious, and physical opposition to the Faith in the One God by the people of Israel seeking to follow His Will.

"Goliath" is the personification of insidious political, religious and various other leaders, leaders, leaders of the sinful world.

"Goliath" is also the collective image of all the iniquities of the world, the totality of the mighty power to denigrate, mortify, pervert the Truth of God's Word and to destroy its evangelists, the righteous.

 "Goliath" is the image of a variety of pernicious ideologies, plunging nations into confrontation, opposition, rebellion against the true knowledge and fulfillment of the Will of God, against His Messengers, messengers, spiritual "warriors" who defend the spiritual purity of the Word of God Covenants and preach the righteous way of life.