
"Devil," from the Greek, "slanderer," "deceiver," "false accuser," "envious one;" from the Hebrew. - "adversary of holiness," "robber," "looter," "misfortune."      

"Devil" in translation is also a "sweeper," an "adversary," an "enemy" of good, "one who scatters," "divides," "produces discord," "breaks the bond" with God, "sows confusion" in the minds, thoughts, and feelings of others.

"The devil" is a collective, allegorical image of man's manifestation of all opposition to God's Will, wickedness, evil, expressed in various ways against the Commandments established by God.

 "The devil" is also a "creaturely," i.e., carnal, purely sensual way of human life with all its wicked, deceitful, aggressive and cruel manifestations.  

"Devil" is synonymous with the Biblical words, "dragon," "Satan," and "serpent of old."

 Based on the translations of this word and based on revealing the imagery of the language of the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles, the word "devil" means:

1.  "A "slanderer" is a person who by his superficial attitude to the study of the Holy Scriptures, by his literal interpretation of their spiritually imaginative texts, so "slanders", i.e. lies, distorts their true meaning, rejects the spiritually-shaped essence and the Spirit of God's Word, tells lies about the Will of God.  

"Slandererer" is a person-defiler of the Truth of God's Word, who by his religious false teachings spreads slanderous fabrications, "Fables" about the Will of God and His actions, tries in every way to defame the holiness of the lives of the Prophets, the Righteous and Jesus Christ, to tarnish the purity of His Teachings.

A "seducer" is a person who, by his wicked thinking and sinful lifestyle, seduces, deceives, and inclines others to unrighteousness and sin.   
 "Falsely accusing" is a person who takes the Word of Scripture only in its literal sense, excluding its figurative meaning, and therefore preaches it wrongly, distortedly, falsely attributing to God what is not inherent in His divine nature. (For example, that God commanded the killing of old men, women, and children, approved of all kinds of cruelty, etc.)

 It is also a wicked, ungodly man who willfully blames God for all his misfortunes and troubles that befall him.

 It is also a person who falsely accuses, denigrates the holy way of life of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Jesus Christ, Apostles, and all the Righteous.

"Envious" is a person who is jealous that he does not have opportunities to rule as God does, one who wants to see himself as equal to God, i.e., to have the same importance as God in the eyes of other people.
 "An opponent of holiness" is a person who opposes all that is holy, i.e., separate from sin, a morally pure, spiritually immaculate way of life offered by God. He who, in doing evil, seeks by all means to justify a sinful way of life, to please his flesh.
 "Robber," "one who possesses loot," is one who cunningly or openly appropriates the virtues of others, not obtained by his own spiritual labor, shamelessly passing them off as his own. 
 "The "creaturely" is a person who is guided by pleasing only the creaturely, sinful interests of the flesh.
 "Rebounder" is a person who for the sake of pleasing the flesh has "rebounded," walked away from the fulfillment of God's Commandments, "defected," i.e., has deliberately departed from true knowledge and fulfillment of His Will, and returned to committing lawlessness and evil for the sake of his own sinful interests. 
 "One who scatters" is an apostate person who, by his opposition to the Will of God, has broken the spiritual bond with Him, i.e., has ceased to fulfill His Commandments, and has thereby departed from the Truth, has gone into another "religion" ("religio" - bond), that is, has chosen a bond with sin.
 "He who scatters," "divides," "causes discord," "sows confusion" is a man who spites, who sows doubt about the truth and the possibility of the fulfillment of God's Commandments, who has separated himself from God by opposing the Truth, who has sown discord between conscience, reason and the sinful desires of the flesh.
 "Enemy" is a person who is opposed to the Will of God, who opposes the Truth of His Commandments, who is a God-hater.

    The "enemy" is man who is an enemy of himself, that is, who by his sinful way of life deprives himself of Eternal Life, and who maliciously commits iniquity to bring harm and sorrow to himself and to others.