

"Virgin" is the community of people, morally and spiritually pure, who, guided by the original God-given conscience, knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments, as a "Bride," prepare themselves to accept the true Faith, displayed in Scripture in the image of "Husband" and to embody the fullness of God's Word in their lives.

"Virgin" is a symbol of "the Church," the spiritual assembly of all the Righteous who do the Will of God as revealed in Scripture, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in the holiness of His life.

Negative Meaning.

"The fallen virgin of Israel" is a symbol of the spiritually fallen religious world - the representatives of Judaism and Christianity who have broken, distorted God's Commandments and perverted the Spirit of Holy Scripture and the Teaching of Jesus Christ.

"The virgin daughter of Egypt, the daughter of Babylon" is a community of sinful living people born of "Egypt," i.e., the sinful system of the world in which the fornicating religions were closely incorporated into the materialistic way of life of the nations.