
"Wealth" true, righteous wealth is the true knowledge of the Will of God, by its fulfillment revealing to man spiritual well-being, joy, contentment, life in righteousness, leading to Life Eternal.

      "Wealth" imaginary, false, is a sense of self-righteousness, pride, fanatical confidence in the fidelity of one's religious, political and other teachings and beliefs.

       It is also an accumulation, an excess of material possessions with which a person who rejects God's covenants fills his sinful, exorbitant, carnal needs.

     "Unrighteous wealth" is man's invented various teachings, ideologies, dogmas, which do not correspond to the Truth of God's Covenants, Commandments and therefore are not able to morally revive man, to bring up in him a true worldview and lead him to righteousness.

      "Unrighteous wealth" is also all material wealth, that which a person possesses, but which is not capable of morally regenerating him.

"False wealth" is the possession of material means, values, resources in excess of a reasonable measure of vital need.

       It is also material wealth acquired unrighteously, by deception, by committing a crime before God and people, by impoverishing other people.