
"Antichrist" - from Hebrew: "adversary," "opposition," "opposition," "against," "negation.

      The prefix "anti" - in Greek does not mean "against" so much as "instead of," "instead of.   Also as - "rival," "competitor," i.e., one who seeks to seize primacy.      

     The Greek word "Antichrist" (from anti - "instead of" and crio - "to anoint") characterizes, reflects the essence of the person who, by his false, distorted view of God, tries to replace the teachings of Jesus Christ, posing as a prophet, appropriates the mission of Christ.


"Antichrist" - An opponent of the Will of God, fully expressed in the Teachings of Christ, is any person who rejects, perverts, does not fulfill the Teachings of Christ, who tries by force, by deception, by cunning, to appropriate the significance of Jesus Christ, to remake, to pervert His Teachings.

  "Antichrist" is a person who willfully opposes the Spirit of Christ's Teachings, His holiness, His righteous way of life, and opposes the Truth with his sinful way of thinking and living.