
"Adam" is a word that defines the general concept of a man. Reveals his inner, spiritual essence.

      "Adam", it is the first Man (community of people) who at the end of the sixth historical period of his spiritual formation ("Creation") showed correspondence to spiritual "Image" and "Message" of God. (See "Day", "Creation").

     "Adam" is the Self-expression of God in His co-created Creation - Human, in spiritual and physical vertex of all His creations.     

    "Adam" is a Man (community of righteous people), his spiritual essence, conscience, mind, consciousness, will and creative abilities.

      Man is the Top and "Crown" of all God's creations as a unique phenomenon on Earth and in the universe, which is endowed with God-like gifts:

  1. by wisdom, reason (Job 32:8; 33:4);
  2. Independent, free will to choose a way of life (Deuteronomy 30:15);

      3 By mighty power of creative abilities (Genesis 2:15; 1:26-28).

 Wisdom, Reason - to consider, comprehend, realize the greatness of God's creations.

  To understand the wisdom of God, the Father and His laws of life.

     Use your free will to make the right choice of the way of life in relation to the will of the Father known to you.

     By the creative abilities to fulfill the highest mission of the Man - to make a life according to the wisdom of God's Will and inherit the Eternal Life (Revelation 2:10).

       The purpose and meaning of man's life is to think, feel, know and implement the Will of God-the-Father and create His spiritual "Image" and "Message" in himself.

      The human wisdom is to realize and implement the Wisdom of God with all his heart and mind.       At the same time with the exalted intention to embody the Commandments of God and thus to reveal His spiritual "Image" and "Honor", the person is given the majestic Commandments:

  1. "To cherish" (Genesis 2:15) - God commands the person to care, to protect the reason given to him from perverted understanding of the meaning of life, from different tempting and destructive ideologies.                                               To "cultivate" the variety of harmony of Being by reasonable creative activity with care, showing by that its individuated creative peculiarity in relation to all surrounding God's Creation. 
  2. "Keep" (Genesis 2:15) - By following God's Commandments to keep the number of weight and mind, the number of your heart - all your feelings, thoughts and actions. To preserve the essence and wholeness of your spiritual and physical life in harmony with the Divine Laws of Life. Only then the person will be able to keep "Paradise" of all co-equalities of God-created Creations. ("The mind will protect you" Pr.2:11).
  3. "To flesh out and multiply" (Genesis 1:28) - it means: "To flesh out and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). (Genesis 1:28) means: To spread, assert the Will of God among the nations; to fill the Earth with life of righteous people, spiritually born and raised in the good spirit of God's Laws of true life; to carry out and confirm the Kingdom of the Will of God and the World in the next generations.
  4. "To rule (Genesis 1:28) - A human being is called by God to rule over all the various bodily and spiritual peculiarities of his existence, to reign, to rule over all temptations of the flesh, subordinating his life to the Will of the Creator. To live by the Commandments of God, to realize the kingdom of righteousness, peace and love in their own lives and among the people around them. ("He who owns himself is better than the conqueror" Pr.16:32)

       Man is God's only Creation, endowed with the knowledge of His Will, in which God's original Plan was expressed: to realize in Man His Will, the perfection of His spiritual essence, to manifest in him His spiritual "Image" and "Likeness.

       "Adam," Man, was in "Paradise," in "Eden," i.e., among the spiritual "plantings"-God's Covenants-created by His Wisdom for his perfect, righteous life.

       Man was also in the midst of the "Garden," God's "Planting," i.e., people who had not yet reached the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God, but who were already able to know, to perceive the true life, corresponding to the Will of God. Being in their surroundings, created by God with perfect knowledge and fulfillment of His Will Man, who reflected in himself the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God and figuratively called "Adam", began to "cultivate", "guard", i.e. to educate, protect and multiply these nations - this spiritual "planting" of God.