Hell, Heb

"Hell," Heb. - The Hebrew "sheol", Greek "ga¬des" - "pre¬is¬presenting", or "the kingdom of the dead".

It is a symbol of moral state of sinful society where lawlessness in its extreme forms defines and rules over all spheres of life.

There is a ruthless system of religious, political, economic violence and deception that keep people in the slavery of sin, - satisfaction of the sinful desires of the flesh.

      "Sheol" is also translated as "empty space inside", "covered abyss".    This is the state of man living in lawlessness, when his mind, conscience formed a spiritless, lifeless "desert" and "abyss", cunningly hidden its moral and moral decay. 

       From Greek also - "place deprived of light", "spiritual darkness". This is an environment where a man's sinful, extremely lawless way of life reigns, deprived of the Light of Truth of God's spiritual Laws.

      This state of man, bound by his vices, which is for him a "spiritual prison", ie painful, oppressive atmosphere of his sinful and destructive life.

     Man's enslavement to sin comes from his carnal, sensual nature, the action of base, vicious inclinations and motives. This is his closed system of vicious views, stereotypes of thinking and actions from which a man can't be free without guidance by the Light of God's Commandments as a spiritual guide.

      The New Testament also uses the word "Geochenna" (Greek) - "an area away from God".   This is a characteristic of a society that is far away from knowing and doing the Will of God, i.e. from a true, righteous life according to His gracious Commandments.    

       "Hell," from the Greek also, "invisible," "sightless."  Symbolic of the spiritual state of man without "sight," i.e., without a spiritual "Image" that does not reflect the spiritual "Likeness" of God, it is an uncertain, spiritless, desolate state of his life.

      "Hell" is the condition of a man living sinfully, enslaved to the fulfillment of the sinful demands of the flesh, experiencing the painful consequences of violations of God's Commandments.            

       This is also the state of a person who has no knowledge of the true meaning of life, the purpose of his activities.  This is a complete moral devastation of his spiritual, mental and physical life. (See "Darkness").

      "Hell" - extreme opprobrium and anguish of conscience of a person committing iniquity as a consequence of his tragic delayed spiritual enlightenment. This is the realization of man of the rejected Is-tina, his salvation from eternal non-existence, destruction, and, as a result, the painful realization of the lost Eternal Life, when it is impossible to correct or change anything in the lived sinful life. This is the period of man's life in absolute impassability when his death is already evident, when it is proved and made by the example of conscience, reason and Ispytina to the eternal destruction. 

       ("For the wages of sin is death." Romans 6:23).

      The word "Hell" can also be taken as a picture of the whole sinful history of mankind with its tragic memories and transfiguration of the coming generations as "the smoke of torment" that will go up for ever and ever. (Revelation 16:11).