
1.  "Abel" is "that which ascends.  The person called "Abel" is an image of spiritual and moral re-creation of a "new" Man, "ascending", gaining spiritual strength from the knowledge of the Word of God's Covenants, by performing the Will of God, His Commandments reviving, establishing in future generations of the righteous and so realizing in himself the Kingdom of God's Will.
2.   "Abel" - "what is real, real, real, real, real" - real, real, real and chosen activity of a person that corresponds to the Commandments of God.  Image of thoughts and actions of a human ("Abel"), which is "realistic", "authentic", "right way" of life, "good", which is approved and accepted by God. 
 The image of "Abel" embodies the righteous people who are faithful to God's Will according to His laws.
3.  "Abel" - "affliction, distress" - many prophets, Jesus Christ, the Apostles and all the righteous suffered for proclaiming the Truth of God's Word, were persecuted, tortured and killed by the representatives of the sinful world.  
  The true followers of Jesus Christ always suffer both psychologically and physically from the "brothers in the faith", the so-called "Christians". 
 (For example: age of inquisition, cruel, obvious and latent forms of persecution of other believers by Catholic, Orthodox and other churches which often name heresy as true understanding of God's Word by the righteous. 
4.      "Abel", "Gos¬podin" is one of the figurative char¬ter¬istics of the man-righteous. His righteous, spiritual and moral image in the future history of mankind will be "state-sustaining", dominating in the new structure of society - in the kingdom of God's will on the whole earth, in the life of all nations. 
      "Abel" is the New Man, born again by the knowledge and fulfillment of the Will of God, who so reigns over his sensual, animal beginnings of the flesh.      
5.       "Abel", "Heart" is the inner essence of the spiritual image of the Man - "Abel", which is the basic essence of the reborn Man. The righteous image of thoughts and actions of such a person are spiritual flesh that "accepts", blesses God, and which is the spiritual "heart", "core" of a true person.
6.    "Abel" - "a soft whiff", "to breathe". This is the essence of Man spiritually "breathing", i.e. living the implementation of the Spirit of Truth of God's Will. Such a Man reflects the "blow" of God, i.e. spiritual influence of the Word of God cognized and realized by him on his inner world - on his feelings, conscience, consciousness, mind, world outlook. 
     "Abel" is a man of "airy ease", i.e. free from enslaving, purely earthly, carnal aspirations; not "attached" to the sinful demands of the flesh - to "the earth", who has overcome its materialistic, carnal, "earthly attraction".      
7.  "Abel"-"the Shepherd" is a man guided by the Will of God, is a spiritual shepherd, a steward, a steward, a keeper of his feelings, emotions, will, and mind.        It also means that Abel carried out "pastoral", tutelary activity, morally, spiritually developing, educating himself and the people around him - those whom the Bible calls "creatures", i.e. those who do not do the Will of God, who have not reached the image of a true Man.       "Abel" is the image of a Man for whom knowing and doing the Will of God is the primary goal and task in transforming himself and the world around him.  
   8.     "Abel" - "Son" - By fulfilling the Commandments of God the Father, man acquires righteousness and becomes a spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God, His spiritual "Son.