

In Scripture, good character traits and human actions are figuratively represented by peaceful, submissive animals: bulls, sheep, lambs, doves, etc.

Insidious, vicious character traits are denoted in the Bible by aggressive, evil, cunning animals: bear, eagle, fox, wolf, etc.

"Animal" is the symbol of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and all Devotees of the Good News of the Will of God, who by following God's Commandments, so subdued their "animal", fleshly nature, submitted all features of fleshly character to the service of God, His Will. 

Negative Meaning:

"Animal" is also a spiritually figurative characteristic of a man who is guided in everything by purely carnal feelings, motives, and desires,  

not living by the commandments established by the Creator, resembling an animal, a creature living by the laws of the creaturely, animal world.