"Thirst" is a symbol of the state of feeling spiritual hunger, expressed in the lack of "Living Water", i.e. in the knowledge of the Will of God, His Commandments, in satisfying the needs of the human soul and spirit.
"Thirst" is a consequence of disappointment in former idols, priorities and goals. It is the feeling and awareness of an inner emptiness, of dissatisfaction in the ways of one's sinful life.
"Thirst" is the arising feeling of a sense of need for spiritual improvement, an intensified search for a new way of life, a constant striving, a strong desire for spiritual renewal of one's life.
"Thirst" spiritual comes after the people have tested the consequences of rejection, violation of God's Commandments, after the realization of the complete failure of their sinful means and abilities in solving the difficult, acute problems of life; after the realization of the impossibility of further life according to the old sinful principles.