
"The Harvest" is the final period of the realization of the Kingdom of God's Will in man and in the nations.

 "Harvest" is the historical time determined by God's Lawfulness, when the righteous will reap the "Fruit" of their godly life and rejoice in the triumph of the Kingdom of God's Will in their lives, the celebration of the spiritual victory of Good over Evil.

 "Harvest" also symbolizes the spiritual and figurative "gathering," the unification by God of the doers of His Will who have "ripened," i.e., achieved a life of godliness, the true gracious "fruits" of righteousness.

The "harvest" of the righteous man is also the physical completion of his righteous life.

"Reapers" are all righteous living people who check their lived lives against God's Commandments and so "reap", gather the fruits of their thoughts and deeds.   

 "Reapers" are also "Angels," i.e., God's Messengers, the Righteous, who will faithfully determine the good and evil deeds of the nations in the final period of their sinful history.

Negative Meaning.

"Harvest" is the consummation of reaching the highest measure of all the manifestations of iniquity with which the sinful system of the world is filled, the time when the sinfully living nations will reap the deadly fruits, the consequences of their iniquity, violation, perversion of God's Commandments.   

"Reapers" are people who reject the Will of God, who deliberately violate God's Commandments, who at the end of their lives will "reap" the fruits of their sinful thoughts and actions, will realize and see the outcome of their aimlessly lived years.