
"Sign", "Signs" are the Divine Covenants, Laws, Commandments, revealed to the nations from the beginning of history for their attainment of righteous living, proclaimed by all the Patriarchs, Prophets, Jesus Christ, Apostles.

"Signs" are the Councils of the Word of God's Will given to man to determine his spiritual priorities; they are also the methods offered by God to solve the problems that arise in each person's life's journey.

Negative Meaning:

"Signs" are false, perverted ideas about God and His Will, false religious dogmas, political ideologies, philosophical judgments, traditions, traditions, various rites, rituals, justified, approved, distributed by false religious pastors of various creeds, ideologues of the sinful world.

"Sign" is a symbol of sinful, vicious hallmarks, traits, characteristics of man's worldview and deeds.

"The sign" is also the processes taking place in nations, pronouncedly testing by them the various consequences of their sinful worldview and way of life.