
"Gold" is a symbol of spiritual riches, a measure of spiritual value, of the Will of God and His Commandments revealed to man.

"Gold" is the wealth of knowledge of the Truth of the Divine Laws, the Wisdom of His Word, expressed by all the Messengers of God: the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles in the Holy Scriptures and revealed to the nations by the Good News of the Righteous. 

"Gold" is also a symbol of Goodness, Wisdom and Love expressed in the operation of God's Laws.

"Gold" is also the righteousness acquired by man by his adherence to God's Commandments, which gives him peace, true joy, and the satisfaction of his acquired freedom from dependence on sin and its consequences.  

Negative Meaning:

"Gold" is a symbol of false religious beliefs, dogmas, pernicious ideologies that people hold dear, mistakenly considering them for the highest spiritual value.

"Gold" is a symbol of sinful ideals, the idols of man, which he values, serves, worships, strives for.