
"Winter" is a symbol of the period, the time of human life, when God's Will, His Commandments will be a constant source of God's Truth, preached by the righteous, spiritually saturating, guiding human life.

Negative Meaning.

"Winter" is a symbol of a time, of conditions unfavorable to "escape," of liberation from the bondage of sin, when man's condition, both physical and spiritual, is no longer conducive to a quick change in his sinful life.   

"Winter" is a symbol of man's deep old age, when there will be a fading of all his physical and spiritual capacity to accomplish such a figurative concept as "escape" - liberation from the bondage of sin.

    The word "winter" is also a symbol of the last period of mankind's sinful history, when the "flight" of nations from sin and its consequences will be placed in the most adverse conditions.