
"Enmity" established by God is a symbol of the Lawfulness of the irreconcilable spiritual struggle of the Truth of God's Will against the "darkness" of the lies of various dogmas, ideologies, the spiritual war of Truth against lies, Good against evil.

"Enmity" established by God is also an irreconcilable opposition, a struggle of the righteous by the proclamation of the Truth of God's Word with everything that opposes the Divine Commandments, with the lies and iniquities of the sinful world system throughout human history. 

"Enmity" is a struggle between man's sinful fleshly demands and his spiritual awareness of Truth, the "War" of his sinful urges with the voice of conscience and reason.

Negative Meaning.

"Enmity" is one of the figurative characteristics of man's offenses against the Will of God. It is the condition of man who is in opposition to the Laws of God's Will, in conflict with his conscience.