
"Warrior" is a symbol of a righteous man who is able, by the Divine Word of Truth, to wage a spiritual, ideological, ideological struggle against opponents of the Will of God.

A "warrior" of the good Jesus Christ is a righteous man who selflessly fulfills the Teachings of Christ, who has a firm faith in the Truth of God's Will, a good conscience, who uncompromisingly, boldly "militates" against the perversion of the Word of God by false teachers, zealously leads spiritual "War", fighting against lawlessness, patiently endures persecution by enemies of Truth, sacrificially performing the service of an evangelist of God's Word.

To be a "Warrior" of Christ, to "war", to oppose, to destroy, to destroy evil, unrighteousness, is one of the duties, the spiritual mission of the follower of Christ's Teachings.

"Warrior" pious is the image of a man who observes God's Commandment "Thou shalt not kill," i.e., who does not take up arms and kill his enemies, who is morally pure and capable of "warfare" by the Word of Truth the Will of God, to stand up for his religious convictions and rights.

 Negative Meaning.      

 "Warrior" is a symbol of a God-hater, an ungodly man who opposes the Truth of God's Will in every way.

 "Warrior" is also a symbol of the perverse system of ruling the nations by its insidious rulers, who are always oppressing the nations with their sinful ideologies, false doctrines, militating against the people of the true Faith.