
The word "vision" is from the word "to see," "to know," i.e., to understand, to know, to understand.  Close in meaning to the expression "spiritual illumination," i.e. intuitive foresight of the course of events, epiphany, the discovery of what was not accessible to reason, not understandable before.  

Vision is cognition through spiritual comprehension of visual and sensual images that arise in connection with the search for clarification of important issues of a spiritual nature.

People who have experienced "Visions," who study the Scriptures, who live according to God's Covenants, the Commandments, see a special spiritual significance and meaning in such figurative apparitions, through which God prophetically reveals His Revelations to them.

"Awareness" is the faithful knowledge of God's Will, His Laws and Commandments by the righteous and therefore the true comprehension and understanding of God's spiritual Revelations, His Predestinations, Designs, Covenants.