
The "vineyardman" is a symbol of God who "plants" and "cultivates" His "vineyard," that is, by revealing His Will, spiritually cares for the people who desire to bring forth the good fruits of their faith by the fulfillment of the Commandments of God.

"Vinedresser" - also symbolizes the man who "plants the Vineyard," i.e., by proclaiming the Truth of God's Word Covenants, spiritually educates, cares for, enlightens the followers of the true faith, worldview.

"Vinedresser" is a figurative characteristic of one of the manifestations of God's actions, as the spiritual Cultivator of the Truths growing in human consciousness of the knowledge of His Will, His Commandments.

Negative Meaning.

"Vinegrower" is the insidious religious leader of nations, spreading false doctrines, dogmas, plunging nations into lawlessness and opposition to the Will of God, His Commandments.