
"Faith" from the word "faithfulness," "firmness," "steadfastness.

"Faith" is firm conviction, hope and confidence in the expected, awareness, recognition and fulfillment of the Commandments revealed to man by God, confidence in the realization of the Kingdom of Righteousness, Holiness and Peace in the nations.

"Faith of God" is the worldview and life of man consistent with the Will of God. It is the absence of any doubt about the existence of the One Creator, the recognition and deep conviction of the truth of the Commandments of God, and the firm adherence to the Doctrine of Jesus Christ concerning the Will of God. 

"Faith in God" is man's faith in the existence of the Supreme Being, the God of Jehovah, spiritual union with Whom is necessary for the life of man, who recognizes himself called to conform his way of life to His Commandments.

 Man's faith is the striving, the self-disclosure of his heart toward God, the expression of spiritual thirst and sensitive attention of man to the knowledge of the Truth of God's Word and his love for God, the conviction of his mind of the truth and grace of God's Commandments and the response to His call to fulfill His Will.

 Christian faith is the realization, the recognition of the one God of Jehovah as Creator of all things, the fulfillment of His Will, expressed in the Ten Commandments and in the Teachings of Jesus Christ.  

Christian faith is the human aspiration to realize the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God, found by Jesus Christ in His holy way of life and open to man for incarnation, reflection of this image in his life.

The fullness of Faith is attained by the realization, by the incarnation of the Spirit of God's Word in the life of the true believer, and is the manifestation of the power of God in man.

(According to J. Strong's lexicons, faith: is conviction, assurance; hope, trust, expectation; steadfastness, firmness; honesty, truthfulness; trust; truth; righteousness, truth, justice; true, true.)

Blind, Fanatical Faith: A "blind" faith is a worldview and life contrary to the Teaching of the Scriptures, the sound Teaching of Jesus Christ concerning the Will of God, and the reasoning, logic of a sane person.

 Fanatical, thoughtless faith is a way of life of people unwilling to think for themselves, fanatically believing their chosen religious leaders, idols, idols; and therefore blindly, recklessly following any false teachings, dogmas, ideas, etc.

 Blind, fanatical faith is dangerous because its adherents are hostile to non-believers and deny all other beliefs.