
"Benjamin is [Hebrew Ben-Yamin/Binyamin, "son of the right hand, of happiness"]: Jacob's youngest son by Rachel, Joseph's brother. This is the name given to his son by his father Jacob (to whom God gave the name Israel - see Genesis 35:10).

 The literal translation of the name "Benjamin" means "son of the right hand," "son of the right hand. This indicates that Benjamin's father foresaw that this man would reflect his spiritual "son," his follower, and continue in him his righteous, true work of preaching God's Word to the nations.

Benjamin's mother, Rachel, also confessed the Lord and gave him the name "Benoni, (בֶּן-אוֹנִי - Ben-Oni), which translated means "son of sorrow," "son of my weeping."

This translation indicates that "Rachel," the spiritual "Mother" of Benjamin, i.e., the symbolic "Church," the Assembly of people of the true Faith, in the hostile environment of the Gentile world's ill-wishers "bore", spiritually raised him with very great effort, difficulty.

In the blessing of Moses, Benjamin is called "beloved of the Lord" (see Deuteronomy 33:12), and in the blessing of Jacob - "ravenous wolf", which is an indication of his courage and ability to spiritual battles.  

Both of these virtues were characteristic of the descendants of Benjamin, who are listed in Genesis. 46:21; Num. 26:38-41; 1 Chronicles 7:6-12; 8:1-28.