
"Statutes" are God's definite, established, firmly established, firmly established Eternal Laws, which inevitably bring God's Intentions to full fulfillment.  

"Statutes" of God are the Law established by God, which morally, spiritually builds up Man, is the expression of the unchanging Will of God, revealed to the nations in the literal and spiritual essence of the Ten Commandments, expressed in the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets, in the Teaching of Christ and the Apostles.  

"Statutes" are the physical and spiritual Laws established by God governing the origin of matter and the development of the universe and the Commandments governing the moral and spiritual life of man and man's relationship with God.  

Negative meaning: "Charters of nations" are not based on the Spirit of Holy Scriptures, invented, established on the basis of man's sinful experience, desires, his social, secular laws, customs, political ideologies, philosophical teachings, false religious doctrines, dogmas, which he is guided in everyday life, and which lead to various disasters and social upheavals.