Urim, Thummim

"Urim," "Thummim," according to the literal biblical description, are elements of the priestly garments, the breastplate of the high priests.

"Thummim" - from Ancient Hebrew - "Light" (spiritual and moral), "perfection" (perfection of the incarnation of the Will of God), "perfect" (the Law of God), "source" (the Will of God), "authoritative" (the Law, which deserves trust, respect, worship).

"Thummim" is Hebrew for "whole" (one for all, for all time), also "water" (as a symbol of life). Also as "innocence," "happiness."

"Urim" and "Thummim" are symbols of the content in God's Will of His perfect moral and spiritual Laws, the Commandments.     

"Urim" and "Thummim," are symbols of the Word of God's Covenants, the Commandments, through which God shows the nations the way to righteousness.