
"Creature" is Man, God's creature, endowed with reason, so that through the consideration of His creations He may recognize God as His Creator, to know the Laws of the Divine World, to investigate and know His Will, His Commandments.
"Creature" is the beginning of the spiritual creation, the formation of Man, so that in his spiritual development he may comprehend, realize and embody the Laws of true Life, the eternal Covenants of His Creator and thus rise, grow from "Creature" and become Man, the spiritual "Son" of God.

"Creature" is the original state of man before his spiritual creation, becoming in the "Image" and "Likeness" of his Creator.

 It is a humanoid being who has not yet comprehended, has not yet realized the Divine Laws of True Life, in whom the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of his Creator has not yet been incarnated.

"Creature" is a characteristic of the state of man who has not attained, who has lost, who does not have the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God, who does not correspond to the image of the true Man.

 These are people who live only according to the creaturely laws of the flesh, who are guided only by the creaturely instincts of their flesh.

People are likened to "creatures" when their thoughts, their whole inner state is filled only with earthly, "creaturely," sinful interests that are contrary to the Will of God.