Righteous. Righteousness

"Righteous" is a person who constantly renews his life by following God's Commandments, who is spiritually elevated by the knowledge of Truth - the Wisdom of God's Will, who by his godly way of life and the preaching of God's Will affirms the Truth of His Word.

"Righteous", "Righteous" are people who have attained moral and spiritual perfection in the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Will, who have firmly established themselves on the path of following the Truth of His Commandments, on the path of righteousness that leads to Eternal Life.

Man's righteousness is his true knowledge, fulfillment and proclamation of God's Will, His Commandments.

False, imaginary, short-term, external, formal righteousness is a "Pharisaic", pretend, pseudo-religious way of life of a person, who is getting farther and farther away from the true understanding and fulfillment of God's Will, and therefore acquires hypocrisy, narcissism, righteousness only in his own eyes.