Cloud. Clouds

"Cloud" is a symbol of the spiritual "Assembly", the community of the Righteous, the association of people who through the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments have been cleansed morally and spiritually from the sinful filth of conscious violations of God's Will, from the false perception of His Word.   "The Cloud", i.e. the Evangelists of the Truth of God's Will "rose" to "Heaven", i.e. by the realization of His "Heavenly" Revelations, grew, approached the spiritual "Heights" of the Wisdom of His Covenants to pour out the "Water" of the Word of God - to preach it to all peoples.

Negative Meaning.

"Waterless Clouds" is a symbol of the deceitful religious and deceitful political leaders of the world who do not have the "Water of Life", i.e. do not have the knowledge of the Truth of God's Commandments, and therefore are unable to show the nations "The Way" to a righteous way of life.

"Waterless clouds" is also a symbol of secular idols, idols, spokesmen, representatives of various religious, political, philosophical and other teachings of the sinful world, empty spiritually, morally, unable to give man true "Water", i.e. true spiritual saturation with the Wisdom of Divine Truth.

"Clouds carried by the wind" is a characteristic of people who have no solid true spiritual foundation of their faith and true purpose of life, who follow various false teachings, ideologies that are not in accordance with the Will of God, which throughout history change according to the sinful demands and perceptions of the peoples and their leaders.