Foot. Feet

"Feet" of God is a symbol of the realization of physical and spiritual Laws established by God, a symbol of His "procession", i.e. the realization of His Will, the development of historical events, everything that happens, predetermined by God, His Plans, Laws.

"Feet of God" is also a symbol of all the Righteous, God's Messengers, heralds of His Will, who revealed to the people the knowledge of God's Commandments.

"Feet" of Jesus Christ is a symbol of the Apostles, disciples, followers of Jesus Christ, by whose preaching His Teachings spread, entered into the consciousness of the peoples.

 "Feet" of man is a symbol of his advancement in life, the realization of his worldview, his works, and it is also a symbol of all the possibilities, methods and means by which man realizes his goals.