"Prayer" is an appeal of man's spiritual, inner being to God.
"Prayer" is an intimate spiritual "connection" of man's spirit with God, a special state of soul, emotions and mind of man during his address with gratitude or request to his Father, the Creator.
"Prayer" is the state of man's realization of his good dependence on God, his involvement in His Will, spiritual connection, communion with God by the fulfillment of His Will with all his faculties and capabilities.
"Prayer" is the highest form of request, the desire to receive help from God in realizing the Truth of His Covenants, to acquire the ability to realize God's Will in oneself, to become enlightened by the Spirit of the Word of His Commandments and to attain a life of righteousness.
"Prayer" is a manifestation of man's obedience to the Will of God, a spiritual action based on the Word of the Bible to realize the spiritual depth of the Wisdom of the Word of God expressed in the Scriptures.
"Prayer" is man's maximum opening of his mind, his conscience, and giving his whole self, his inner world to God for the guidance of His Laws.
"Prayer" is a period of a special state of reverence before God, Who accomplishes together with man, for man and through man the work of his spiritual and moral purification from sin.
"Prayer" is man's communion with God, an inner sign and testimony of man's adoration before God in a state of gratitude, praise to God.
"Prayer" hypocritical is "prayer" "Pharisaic", which people make formally, pretentiously, insincerely, artificially, because of a variety of personal self-interest.