
"The possession of God" is the Wisdom of the Divine Laws of true Life, revealed to man in God's Will, the fulfillment of which enables him to acquire a spiritual "Property," that is, the experience of a life of righteousness leading to Eternal Life.

"The possession of God" is also the good gifts given to man by God: all his abilities, possibilities and free will for the exercise of his choice of the right path of life, for his spiritual growth and perfection.

"Man's possessions" are the knowledge acquired by the study of the Scriptures and accumulated by man of God's eternal, unchanging Will, revealed to man in His Commandments for the exercise of his godly life.

Negative Meaning.

"Man's 'possession' is his false knowledge of the Will of God, and also the various knowledge, ideologies, dogmas, beliefs he has adopted, assimilated, acquired, accumulated, which he uses to maintain, justify his sinful life.

Man's "possessions" are his transitory, perishable material acquisitions, the goods for the exercise of his physical life.