
"Exile" is a righteous living person, guided by the precepts of the Prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles, who exposes sin, denouncing sinners, therefore enduring from them "Exile," - rejection, scolding, oppression, malice,

"Exile" is the removal of man's unrighteousness, deliverance from false doctrines, beliefs, from the "demoness" of lawlessness by exposing the perversion by the righteous, the violation by the ungodly of the Word of God, the Commandments.

 "Exile" is also the condition of a person whom various political and religious fanatics, for preaching the Truth of God's Will, declare "outcast," "heretic," "apostate" from the established dogmas, canons, sinful traditions of secular or religious life of society. 

 Negative meaning:

"Exile" is the consequence of man's rejection, his violation of the Will of God, his departure from the righteous state in which he was at the beginning of his history.