
"Mountains of God" are the spiritual heights of knowledge and evangelization of the Will of God, revealed to the nations by all the Righteous.

"Mountain" is a symbol of the spiritual summit, the perfection of the Wisdom of God's Will, the height of the Divine Truth of His Commandments.

"Mountain" is a symbol of the spiritual stronghold of God's Laws of true Life, a symbol of the immutability, steadfastness, spiritual greatness, significance, importance of God's Word, revealed to the nations and expressed in Holy Scripture by the Patriarchs, Prophets, Jesus Christ, the Apostles.

The negative meaning of

 "Mountain," "mountains" is a symbol of the pride, arrogance, haughtiness, sinful wisdom of man, his false religions and various ideologies elevated to the foundations of the sinful life of the nations.

 "Mountains" are also various idols, authorities that peoples serve and worship.