
The "Voice" of God is the Wisdom of His spiritual Laws of True Life, expressed by the Revelations of His Messengers: the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Jesus Christ, the Apostles and all the Righteous, by whose mouth God "speaks," "speaks," addresses the mind and consciousness of man.

"The Voice of the Lord God" is the manifestation of the Majestic Lawfulness of Life, revealed to the conscience and mind of man through the knowledge of the Wisdom of the Divine Laws, through man's knowledge and awareness of the greatness and harmony of all His creations.

The "voice" of God in man is also his conscience, which is God's inward sense of justice as a moral determinant of the truth or sinfulness of his thoughts and actions.  It is the inner stirring of right thoughts and actions sent to him by God.

"The voice of God" is also the prophetic foresight of the Prophets, of Jesus Christ, their definitions of future historical events, which enable man to draw the right conclusions.

"Voice" of God can be heard only by a person who, with a pure mind, uninjured by a sinful life, various destructive ideologies, can correctly understand and realize the "Signs" of God, i.e. the Laws of God being realized.

"The Voice" of conscience often reveals to man the Truths of the Divine Will that were not previously available to him.

"The Voice" of Christ is the proclamation of the Will of God as expressed in the Gospel Doctrine by Jesus Christ and His Apostles.  It is also His holy way of life, which appeals to the conscience and mind of man.

"The voice" of man is the self-expression of his thoughts, his worldview, and his corresponding righteous or sinful actions and deeds.

The negative meaning of

"Voice" of the "unclean spirit," "voice of the serpent," "voice of the abyss" is the "Voice" of various spiritually unclean beliefs, dogmas, ideologies that move sinfully living man, cunningly tempting him to violate God's Commandments, It is the "Voice" of the darkness of spiritlessness and ignorance of the Truth of God's Will, coming from the abyss of humanity's sinful history, it is the "Voice" of the creaturely instincts, the sinful demands of man's flesh.