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"Ephraim" is the symbol of the "Firstborn" people who were the first among the Gentile nations to know the Will of the One God of Jehovah.

"Ephraim" in Hebrew means "fruitful," "multiplication.

This people who know and do the Will of the One God will be spiritually "fruitful," rich in works of righteousness, and later will greatly multiply on earth.

Ephraim, son of Joseph, grandson of Jacob (called "Israel" by God), is physically and spiritually related to these Righteous men, being a spiritual follower of their true Faith in the One God Jehovah. 

"Ephraim" symbolically represents the nation of Israel and its spiritual condition at different historical periods: its initial adherence to God's Covenants of True Life, and its apostasy by the violation of God's Will, as well as its inevitable repentance and spiritual rebirth.

Negative Meaning:

"Ephraim" is a symbol of a people who knew and originally followed the Commandments of God, but who later perverted, violated the Will of God by idolatry and fornication with different religions.