The Road

"The Way" is the Will of God revealed to man, His Commandments, by which man can follow the "Way" of Wisdom, which leads to a life of righteousness, to spiritual well-being, which leads to Eternal Life.

"The Way" symbolizes man's life, the time given to him by God, the totality of worldly situations in which man is given complete freedom of expression and choice of action.

"The road" is also the spiritual, moral direction of man's thinking and way of life.

Negative Meaning.

"The Way" is the way of lawlessness, of pleasing man to the sinful demands of the flesh; it is man's departure from the Way of Truth as indicated by God in His Covenants, the Commandments.

"The Road" is also various false religious, political, philosophical doctrines, dogmas, all kinds of directions of ideologies, religions, and other "ways" of false teachings, which lead people through confusing labyrinths of spiritual ignorance to rejection, violation of the Commandments of God.

"The road" is all the vicious "ways" of apostasy from the eternal, common to all peoples, laws of God, which lead man to the loss of peace, joy and happiness, to eternal condemnation and non-existence - to the loss of Eternal Life.