
"Piety" is from the words "good" and "honor. "Good" is the Good in its highest, spiritual meaning; and from the word "honor", the dignity corresponding to a truthful, righteous life, the spiritual essence of man. Good, spiritual dignity, the honor of the Man established in the knowledge and fulfillment of the Divine Will.  

       Man's goodness is a consequence of his righteous life according to the highest spiritual principles of the Divine Covenants, life in the fulfillment of the Wisdom of God's Will.

      This is spiritual and moral purity of a person living in the spirit of love and peace in the midst of the darkness of the surrounding evil.

     "False, pretend piety is a contrived piety, a feeling and expression of the appearance of imaginary righteousness, one of the ways of acquiring satisfaction of one's own importance, hidden pride. A pharisaical, feigned image of imitation of the righteous, a desire to appear better than others in order to gain all sorts of benefits.