
"Abihud" is the son of the priest Aharon, of Levi's family, who was called by God to be a priest for the service of Israel to the people of Israel.  
      According to the literal story Abib and his brother Nadav accompanied Moses, Aaron and 70 elders to mount Sinai for the solemn signing of the covenant with God. 
Negative meaning:
"Abiud" is an image of the clergy who pervert the true meaning of the sayings of the Prophets by their cultic ceremonial service.
       The rejection, false understanding and interpretation of the Will of God by Abihud (and his brother Nadab) manifested, expressed by the rejection of the people of Israel from the true service of God and their fall into a perverted religious, cultic, ceremonial service.
       (Abiud and Nadav also symbolize Judaism and nominal Christianity. These religions are also represented by the prophet in the image of the two sisters, Ohola and Oholibah, who fornicate with pagan traditions and power systems. (read Jer.23:1-15) 

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