
"Wife" is a spiritual unity, an Assembly of the Righteous, a "Church" that has a "Husband," that is, a true Faith in the efficacy, in the Holiness of the Will of God, the fulfillment of which spiritually enlightens, sanctifies with the Spirit of Truth.

"Wife" is a symbol, a way of life of the righteous - people who are able to proclaim Christ's Teaching on the Will of God to all nations, and so spiritually "give birth" to faithful followers of the Truth of the Gospel and the way of life of Jesus Christ.

Negative Meaning.

"Wife" is a symbol of the association of people who follow various religious dogmas, false doctrines, and political ideas and who are able to "give birth" to their followers.   

"Wife", "Church", "Harlot", who has "drunk all nations" with the "Wine" of perversions of Scripture and moral "fornication", using various methods to influence human feelings and consciousness.         

"The Wife" is also various ideological systems and organizations, false beliefs contrary to God's Commandments.