
"Serpent" - Heb. "yetzer fa-ra" - "evil thought," "evil motive," "evil instinct.

The word "serpent" comes (in Hebrew) from the verb "nahash" - "to whisper," "to hiss," "to cast a spell," "to fortune."

"The serpent" is an image of a sinful thought, an instinct, a seductive carnal urge in man, "whispering", "bewitching", pushing, provoking, seducing, lulling his conscience, inclining his mind to sinful actions, to the violation of the Will of God.

"The serpent" is a symbol of the "spirit" of opposition to conscience, reason, the Covenants, the Commandments of God; the "spirit" of evil in man, proceeding from the animal inquiries, the creaturely interests of man's flesh.

 (According to J. Strong's lexicons: "serpent" - cunning, deceitful, deceitful.)      

"The serpent" is a symbol of man who, in a cunning, deceitful, deceitful way, bypassing the Commandments of God, builds his life with the expectation of deriving only material, carnal benefits.

"The serpent" is the image of a man "crawling", "groveling" before the earthly, sinful demands of the flesh, intimately "in touch" with "the Earth", i.e. whose entire activity is connected only with purely pragmatic interests.

The "serpent" is a symbol of a man skilled in the materialistic way of thinking, malicious, inventive in all manifestations of evil, who in his cunning is the "most cunning" of all others, living by purely earthly, animal interests, asserting his bestial, predatory essence in the vast field of his earthly activities.

"The serpent" is an image of "wisdom" of the earthly, fleshly, mental, "demonic," i.e., spiritless, purely practical knowledge, devoid of guidance by the Wisdom of God's Commandments.

"The serpent" is a figurative personification of the original resistance of man's carnal nature to his spiritual formation.  

"The serpent" is the carnal, instinctive, animal way of thinking that opposes the Spirit of God's life-affirming Will in all things.

"The serpent" is a "serpentine", cunning, hostile to the Truth of God's established Laws, Commandments, a way of thinking that inevitably leads to the destruction of the Divine Foundations in man, - his conscience, reason, i.e. by killing in him a Man of spiritual, reduces him to an animal, bestial state.

"The serpent" is a characteristic of a man who is highly cunning, inventive, skillful in his sinful activity.

"The serpent" is a characteristic of all that is sensual, carnal in man, in its various forms of manifestation

"The serpent" is cunning, practicalism, striving only for material prosperity, the perfection of sinful ingenuity in pleasing the flesh.

"The Serpent" is also an outstanding, particularly pragmatic representative of Man's initial period of spiritual formation.

 "Serpent" is one of the generalizing characteristics of all sinful things, which is also figuratively defined by the words, "Dragon," "Devil," "Satan," "The Evil One."