
"Beast," "Beasts" are a symbol of the various manifestations created by God, traits of the purely carnal character of man.  

"The Beast" is an image of a person who still lives according to the laws of the created world, who is not spiritualized by the true "Breath of Life" - the Spirit of knowledge of God's Word, His Commandments, who does not reflect in himself the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God, who is still at the creation level of consciousness and expression of his thinking and way of life.  

 Negative Meaning.

"The Beast" is a symbol of the sinful inquiries of man's carnal nature, living according to the laws of the created world.

"The Beast" is also a symbol of the cruel character of man, who is not guided by the Divine Initiative in man - conscience, who does not obey the Divine Commandments of true Life, who lives by the laws of the sinful world, whose mind and way of life is dominated by animal beginnings, the animal instincts of the flesh.

"The Beast" is also a symbol of the cruel political system of the world, its insidious authorities and representatives, who enslave the consciousness of peoples with predatory ideologies that plunge them into pernicious, deadly consequences.

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