
"The Star" is a symbolic image of Jesus Christ, who, by His holy way of life, showed the people the way to a life of righteousness.

"The Star" is the symbol of Jesus Christ's teaching about the Will of God as the true moral guide, the spiritual Light that shines in the darkness of ignorance of the Truth for man to realize the meaning of his life, its true purposes.

"The Star" is also the symbol of every Evangelist of God's Will, of every Righteous Man "shining," "burning" with the spiritual work of proclaiming His Truth, so giving God his reverence, his veneration.

"The Star" is also an image of spiritual enlightenment by the Word of God, of enlightenment in the feelings and minds of people who turn to the knowledge of the Light of the Truth of the Will of God and to godly living according to the Wisdom of God's Word.

Negative Meaning.

"Stars" are false theologians, religious pastors, sinful ideologists - all exponents of false doctrines, false beliefs and religions, pernicious ideologies, who by false interpretation of figurative sayings of the Prophets, the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, introduce false notions about the Will of God into the minds of people, thus multiplying their moral and spiritual corruption, leading them into the darkness of committing iniquities.