
"The Branch" is the symbol of Jesus Christ, who, having recognized and embodied in His holy life the Divine Wisdom of God's Will, revealed by the Prophets, became the spiritual Son of God, the Great Follower, the Continuer of its proclamation to the nations, bringing the good fruits of His Faith to His Father.

"The Branch" is the spiritual "Kinship" of Jesus Christ with His predecessors-righteous men with spiritual knowledge of the Truth of God, as His spiritual "Root" came from the righteous lineage of David, son of Jesse.     

  "Branch" bearing the good "fruit of faith" is also a symbol of every man who draws his spiritual knowledge of the Will of God from his predecessors, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Jesus Christ and His Apostles, and by doing the Will of God transmitted by them, is therefore a spiritual follower of this mighty Tree of Truth.

 Negative Meaning.

"A dry, barren branch" is a symbol of a person living a sinful life, spiritually devastated, bearing no fruit of righteousness, condemned to rejection, oblivion by a future righteous society of men and by God.