
"Dungeon" is a symbol of man's sinful condition, his flawed worldview and way of life, from which he cannot get out, get rid of on his own.

 It is a symbol of man's state of spiritual blindness, spiritual unfreedom, dependence on sin.

"Dungeon" is a symbol of sinful foundations, traditions, prejudices, false religious beliefs, political ideologies and philosophical systems to which man is fanatically devoted, which enslave his spirit, soul and body.

"Dungeon" is also a symbol of the unsolvable problems in which peoples who do not follow, violate God's Commandments.  

It is a state of complete dependence on the sinful demands of the flesh, of slavish subjection to it. It is a symbol of religious and other fanaticism, of blind devotion to one's "god," the idol, the object of undivided service and veneration.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)