
"Steps" - are a symbol of the successive stages of comprehending, realizing and fulfilling the Will of God and His Commandments.

The "steps" - These are figurative stages of "ascent," i.e., periods of growth in the knowledge of the fullness of God's Will by the righteous, by people called by God to proclaim it to the nations.

Negative Meaning.

"Steps" to the "Sacrifice" are a "fragmentation," a division into separate parts of spiritual wholeness, of the fullness of service to the Truth of God's Will.

The "steps" to the "Sacrifice" are also different beliefs, different names of modern denominations, whose participants ascend, revealing their "Nahotah", i.e. poverty, fallacy, false perception of God's Word, scarcity, lack of knowledge about the Truth of God's Will, which lead man away from the Truth of God's Covenants.