
"The walls of God" are a symbol of the Covenants, Charters, Commands, Laws, Commandments of God, revealed to the people by the Patriarchs, Prophets and Jesus Christ, the knowledge and execution of which protects, guards, protects man from following false teachings, from delusion, from committing sin and its consequences. 

"The Wall" is a symbol of the Word of God's Will - the spiritual Foundation, the support, the protection of man's life in the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments.

 "The Wall" is also the symbol of all the Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ, Apostles, who by their proclamation of the Will of God, His Commandments, shield, protect people who do them, from delusion, the commission of iniquities.   

Negative Meaning.

"The Wall" is a symbol of man's sinful laws, of his various false beliefs, by which he justifies, protects, fences himself off, shields his conscience from qualms, his mind from receiving rebuke, from being edified by the Truth of the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets, the Teachings of Christ and the Apostles.