Perfection of God

"Perfection" of God - Perfection is the Creator of all existing, as the Cause, the Foundation of all visible and invisible, as the single, perfect Origin of all Being, the Creator of all Beings.
        The perfection of God is revealed, manifested in the Law of foundation, development, becoming - from nonexistence to Being, from dead to living, from unconscious to conscious, from instinctive-minded to conscious-minded. 
        God manifests Himself in the perfection of His creative, purposeful, creative Power of the Spirit of His Laws of Development according to the Wisdom of His Designs. 
       The perfection of God is expressed in the all-powerful, omnipresent, eternal Laws and Laws of Being programmed by the Divine Spirit of Wisdom, expediently directed processes of creation and existence of immense greatness, harmony of the universe and beauty of all things, in the working, all-conforming Power of the Wisdom of the Laws of the Will of God. 
       God "lives," exists, creates the beauty and perfect harmony of the entire Universe, gives birth to the physical and spiritual life of perfect Man by the life-giving, eternal and unchangeable in its operation Laws of true Life, expressed in His Covenants.
      "The Truth" of God is the totality of the Absolute Perfection of the Divine material and spiritual Laws of Being, the totality of the Wisdom of all the Laws of true Life by which all Being exists and develops.
      The perfection of God is manifested in His Oneness, for God is one, and there is no other God but Him.
      God is perfect in His righteousness, that is, His spiritual and moral Laws are always just, perfect, and absolute. His beneficent Will, as expressed in Holy Scripture, is perfect Truth, Truth, which is always and everywhere confirmed, carried out, saving nations from committing iniquities. 
      From God Jehovah, the Creator of all that exists, comes only perfect Good, that is, all that is virtuous, which contributes to the beginning, development, formation, establishment of all that is good, holy for human life in righteousness, which agrees with the spiritual Laws of true Life established by Him. 
       God is the perfect Creator, the Executor of His original Plan - to create in the nations a Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace, Love and eternal prosperity on earth.
         The self-expression of God is manifested in the perfection of His almighty Spiritual Energy, operating in the all-encompassing, one life-giving Spiritual Power of the Wisdom of the eternal Laws of His Will.
          God's Perfection is manifested in His Love - in the manifestation of the totality of all His Perfection.
         The perfect establishment, the affirmation of both the Laws of Nature and the moral, spiritual Laws, is the unquestionable right of God the Creator and one of the manifestations of the perfect actions of His life-affirming Will.
        God, being the Creator of all that exists and the Creator-Father of mankind, is the Perfect Lawgiver for all people, whether they accept or reject His Will.
        God the Sustainer, who realizes the perfection of the Wisdom of His Designs, is the embodiment of the kingdom of God's gracious Will in man, who combines all the perfections of the spiritual and physical beauty of the world.
        The spiritual perfection, the harmony, the beauty of Righteousness in Man, was originally inherent in the Intentions, the Predestinations of God.
 "Truth" is the perfect Self-expression of God through the Revelation to man of His perfect Will, which is determined by the spiritual Laws of the creation, the formation of Man, according to the Wisdom of the Divine Intentions and Predeterminations.
       The Wisdom of God's Will, expressed in the literal and spiritual essence of His Ten Commandments, is the perfect, true Determiner, the Absolute Criterion of knowledge of Truth, and therefore is the "Lawgiver" and the "Judge" of human thoughts and deeds. In the Light of God's Commandments, man is revealed His Will, is given the opportunity to determine, to measure the rightness or wrongness of all his feelings, thoughts and way of life.

The perfection of Jesus Christ.   
The spiritual perfection of Jesus Christ consists in his attainment of holiness and the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God through true, impeccable knowledge, fulfillment, proclamation, and perfect expression of the Will of God in His Teachings. 
Jesus Christ, having perfectly known, fulfilled and proclaimed the Will of God to the nations, thus became His spiritual Son, the perfect reflection of God the Father.     
Perfection of Man.      
The perfection of the primordial man was manifested in him by God and was expressed in endowing man with God-like endowments: a perfect mind, free will and creative abilities, enabling him to comprehend His Intentions and Designs by executing His Divine Will, which is the highest manifestation of God's Love for Man.
       The highest manifestation of the perfection of God's Love also consists in forgiving man his sins and in opening to him the Path of righteous living, according to the Teachings of Jesus Christ, in granting the pious person Eternal Life.
       Perfection of Wisdom, the Truth of God's Commandments is that spiritual and moral "Light" that helps man choose the true way of life, leading to spiritual perfection and physical well-being, to righteousness, holiness.
       The perfection of the "Light" of the Wisdom of His Commandments enlightens human life in all its manifestations. The gracious consequence of the life of man, who is guided by the Light of the Truth of God's Laws, is righteousness, leading to Eternal Life.
        The perfection of God's "Holiness" is expressed by the highest manifestation of His Love, His Justice - the fullness of the totality of all His Perfections, expressed in His Commandments, the fulfillment and observance of which enlightens man with Truth, bringing him closer to holiness, to separation from the life of sin.